If you have ever wanted to grow your own tomatoes, you are probably wondering what steps you should take to get tomatoes of which you can be proud. Producing high-quality results requires you to follow a proven process from start to finish. In this guide, you will learn how to choose the right tomato seeds and what you have to do to get them off to a good start.

This guide reveals the steps you must take if you want your seeds to grow into healthy plants that produce ripe fruit. Knowing what time of year to begin and what tools you need is a vital part of the process, and reading this guide lets you discover each detail required to move forward with confidence. You will soon know the joy of biting into a fresh tomato that you grew from a tiny seed, which could be the start of a new hobby.


Climate Considerations

Paying attention to the temperature and climate where you live is essential if you want your tomatoes to grow up healthy. Most seeds do well in temperatures ranging from 70 to 75 degrees, and sprouts grow best at a temperature of around 65 degrees. You never want to expose your seeds or plants to temperatures below freezing because they will die if you do. Unless you live in an area with narrow temperature fluctuations, you should plant your tomatoes inside and transplant them to the garden when they grow.



Ensuring you have the required tools on hand before you begin makes your life much easier. Make sure you buy enough starting pots for the number of plants you would like to grow, and you will be on the right track. Tomatoes need a proper environment to thrive, so you must go to the store and buy potting soil if you don't already have it.

Heirloom Tomato species

                Green Zebra, a famous Heirloom Tomato species

Choosing the Right Seeds

You will be surprised to learn the number of seed types you can buy if you have never planted tomato seeds. While some seeds are grea

t for when you want to eat ripe tomatoes, others make a little more sense if you would like to make tomato paste. Many shops also sell seeds based on the size of the fruit you wish to harvest, so keep all your needs in mind when making your decision. What you shouldnt do is growing seeds of tomatoes you bought in a supermarket. Commercially available tomatoes usually are hybrid species which can not be reproduced from seeds. Maybe some will grow but you'll get very bad and dissapointing results.


Caring for Your Seeds and Sprouts

You are now ready to plant your seeds in the pots and wait for them to sprout. Begin putting potting soil in each of your pots, and you will then place three or four seeds in each pot before covering them with 1/8 inch of soil. After planting your seeds, you can sprinkle just enough water on the soil to make it damp and place the pots in a warm area like the windowsill or under the growing light. Remember to keep the room between 70 and 75 degrees for the best results. A good time to start your seeds will be in february or March, indoor ofcourse. Those plants can then be transplanted outside in your garden or a greenhouse about 2 months later. Those plants will adopt to the changed conditions fast and easily and will soon start growing like hell, especially in a greenhouse.


Removing Side Shoots

Pay attention to side shoots if you are growing a tall plant because they can steal nutrition from your stems, and your tomatoes will take much longer to grow as a result. Side shoots are stems that grow from other stems rather than the base of your plant. To address this issue and direct even more nutrients to the fruit, use a sharp pair of scissors to remove the side shoots. You don't need to worry about side shoots if you are growing bush plants.

Watering and feeding

useage of a Tomato fertilizer will support a healthy growth, but dont overdo it! Same is with watering. If your tomatoes will get too much water this will often result in fruits which easily burst.



Keep an eye on your plants during the weeks leading up to your harvest to catch any problems that show up. You are ready to harvest the tomatoes when they are bright red (depending on the species) and soft and have a good taste. They will never get ripe all at once but you have to harvest every day and just pick those which seem to be ripe and leave the others on the plant to get ripe within the next days.


Final Thoughts

You now know everything you need if you want to grow your first tomato garden. Don't be discouraged if you run into complications along the way because it's normal. When problems appear, the important part is that you address them before they have a chance to get any worse. Your tomatoes will grow healthy and taste great if you remain on track. At the end of your project, you will enjoy the rewards of your harvest and be proud of what you have accomplished.

Steffen Bauer

Seit meiner Kindheit bin ich fasziniert von Flora & Fauna. Bereits auf dem Weg zum Abitur habe ich mich aus diesem Interesse heraus selbstständig gemacht und betreibe seitdem diesen Onlineshop. Ab 2011 habe ich an der Universität Konstanz Biologie studiert und 2015 mit dem Bachelor of Science abgeschlossen.

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